Sunday, January 2, 2011

Special Olympics Golf

This was an outstanding year for Special Olympics golf. We had 62 athletes/partners participate in our program, some of which were new and some the familiar faces that play every year. Due to the closure of the Mesa Family Golf Center, golf practice was moved to Mesa Riverview Golf Course. This course was beautiful and the staff welcomed us with open arms. Athletes and Partners competed in two competitions. The area was held at Rolling Hills Golf Course in Tempe and the other was the State Golf competition at Vistal.

This year the State Special Olympics Golf tournament was held as a standalone competition. This event was held at Vistal Golf Course and was a first class competition. As I approached the tent for Opening Ceremonies, tears filled my eyes as I saw the how beautifully decorated it was. Chills were sent up my arms as I listened to the bagpipes play at Opening Ceremonies, while watching ten Special Olympic golfer’s simultaneously hit the first golf ball to open the games. Throughout the weekend I watched in amazement, in awe, of how our athletes were awesome competitors and how much fun they appeared to be having.

I would like to congratulate all the golfers on a fantastic season. Your spirit and love of the game is immeasurable and it is always a joy to watch you compete. A heartfelt thank you to all the partners for attending practice each week ready to play golf, cheering your athlete on. You make it possible for our athletes to have a great golf experience while learning the game. I also want to thank golf coaches Greg Leicht, Ron Duranti, Chad Harper and Andrew Kupitz for all their hard work and dedication to our athletes. You are AMAZING!